Wiki bell
Wiki p


Me Rn

welcome! i'm xiomara. here is a picture of me!!

I listen to a lot of music my favorite genres are dreampop, shoegaze and rock

yabujin!! and deftones

i used to be obsessed over radiohead but i kinda got bored of listening to them

could u tell bc of my user? idc i think it's so corny that i can never change it ever

I also like FASHION, check out my pin for inspo

This page was inspired by Wikipedia, I love that site, currently I am reading about American Woodcocks. They are silly little birds with skinny long beaks and they literally go "meep" it's so cute. n e ways I just thought it'd be cool to make this :3.

btw i'm 16, latino and a fluent spanish speaker!

guess what movie the images on the right and left are teehee

(hover ur cursor over the image to see answerrrr)


n e ways

my interests include:

i love talking pls i never shut up , that being said dms are always open :3

sims 4

okay other thing i like, really like..get ready you won't believe it...INTERIOR DESIGN

'70's and '80's arch and interior design, bubble houses like these.


like old arch from barcelona (not anything colonial) and stained glass is super cool. i could never do shit like that but i really wanna live in one of those houses

okok i have a junior paper to write jesus christ i've spent too much time working on this...also could you tell how disgusting my grammer is like at the top there's capitalization and then i just got lazy ok byebye fr